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美国理工科申请主要以 SoP 为主,也有 PS,二者区别大家可以去自行了解下,这篇文章我们主要聊聊一些官网的要求。



话不多说,我在众多学校中挑选了康奈尔大学,它关于 SoP 的写作要求之细,完全可以充当大家的文书写作指南。 (MIT,UCB等等学校的官网也非常有用)

链接在此: Writing Your Academic Statement of Purpose : Graduate School (

值得注意的是,这里你会发现多了一个形容词 Academic,也就是意味着是偏学术化的,侧重于你的研究兴趣,学术规划等等,而不是像 PS 那样去写故事。

你可以想想,如果你按照网上讲解 PS 的套路,去着重描述你的成长故事,性格特征,侧重故事而不是学术经历,那这篇文书就跑题了。


The ASOP is also a place, if necessary, where you can (and should) address any blemishes, gaps, or weaknesses in your academic record. In these situations, you will want to be honest, but brief. It is best to turn negatives into positives by focusing on how you overcame obstacles, remained persistent in the pursuit of your goals, and showed resilience. Share what you learned from the particular experience, and how it led you to become a better researcher/scholar/person, etc.





Information to include

  1. Introduce yourself and your academic interests

SoP 开头段一般而言是:

  • 介绍你的学术兴趣,它源自哪里?
  • 为什么要追求研究生学位?

在 UCSD 以及 UCB 两所学校的 SoP 写作指导里,第一个需要回答的问题也是如此:

UCSD: 1. How did you become interested in this field? Establish that you have had a long-term interest in the field and that you have taken positive steps in pursuing your interest. Give the committee members a sense of your particular talents and abilities and their relevance to your academic interests._

UCB: Part 1: Introduce yourself, your interests and motivations

链接在此,有兴趣的同学可以自行去看看。 Statement of Purpose ( Writing the Statement of Purpose - Berkeley Graduate Division





  • 由于我父母是xxx职业,从小耳濡目染,对xx专业有了兴趣。哪怕真的是这样,也千万别这么写,太low了。
  • xxx名言引入,然后我很崇拜xxx,所以我对xx专业有了兴趣。

在 CMU 的文书要求里,特别强调了这一点,所以千万别踩坑了,别提小时候的经历和目标。

CMU: Avoid common clichés in your SoP. In particular, try to avoid childhood anecdotes or goals. The admissions committee is interested in your current goals, skills, and strengths. Remember that the committee is reviewing a large number of applications, so you should be concise in your writing and get straight to the point.

我建议从你大学阶段的经历引入,可以是做过项目的小细节,可以是你实习工作中的小场景。总的来说,一定要是很特别的,别人也写不出来的内容,体现你的 Uniqueness。


Watching Apple Autumn Conference on Oct 18 as an Apple intern, I was amazed by the brand new MacBook, while my leader marched over to me and said: "Striving for excellence; that's why Apple could succeed. We expect you to develop an automatic test system integrated with anomaly detection algorithms for all display issues of Apple's new and existing products despite the fact that few consumers have ever noticed any of the issues. Suhan, take your initial step toward doing the right thing even though challenging.

这是一篇文书开头的第一句话(后续省略),背景是她在 Apple 实习的经历,参加完之后和 Leader 的对话以及自己的工作感受,让她对信号处理方向有了浓厚的兴趣。


  1. Describe your academic background, preparation, and training

这部分内容至少占据你文书 2-3 段的篇幅,也就是 400~600词 左右的篇幅(按照通常文书 1000词的标准来计算)。



  • 你的 GPA 很高,比如年级前一二名,值得再强调一遍。
  • 你有论文发表(一作),专利授权这样的科研经历,那肯定值得笔墨仔细叙述的内容。
  • 你的实习经历:与申请项目强相关或者国际知名大公司的经历都值得写出来。
  • ...

每个人的经历不同,因此这块也没有固定的模板。不过我们得记住,这是偏学术化的 SoP,所以尽可能在自己的经历中去展现自己学校的专业技能和知识,解决问题的能力。


Whenever possible, give specific examples and illustrate the points you are making, don’t just simply tell them.


至于怎么描述没有固定的套路,推荐大家可以按照 STAR 法则来描述自己的经历,如果可以用数据体现成果,尽可能数据来增强说服力。



  1. Show them you are making an informed decision




在这个板块中,有三点值得特别注意: (1)充分了解项目和学校信息,向招生官展示你花了功夫了解学校。 (2)不能只谈项目如何吸引你,而要谈谈自己如果被录取能够给学校带来什么益处,这是一个双向的过程。 (3)如果有明确的生涯规划,需要写出来。比如说你毕业后想去谷歌工作,想接着留在学校读博等等。


(1)Why this program or university fit you?


  • 项目课程设置:课程设置,选课自由度等因素
  • 项目特色:每个项目的特色不同。比如说康奈尔的 ECE MEng 项目有一个为期一年的 Project,你觉得很适合你。再比如说,杜克的ECE MEng项目有一个学期用来实习。
  • 教授的研究方向:建议大家认真去看看自己申请专业里的faculty对应的研究方向,如果有自己感兴趣的方向完全可以在 SoP 中提到具体教授的名字。
  • 学校特色(可选):在官网的文书指导上,有一点指出可以包括项目之外对你重要的点。

    Include information that is important to you outside of the program – supportive environment for first-year students, access to amazing literary resources, opportunities to participate in professional/career development programming, etc

(2)Why you fit this program? (可选)

这个问题其实是挺难回答的,因为我们作为新生,很难说自己为什么适合这个 program。因此,如果你很难找到的话,我不是很建议单独拿一段出来写,而是在上一段里提一句就行。

举个例子,你去研究了教授的研究方向,你觉得你很适合 xx 教授的课题组。因为你已经有了这个领域的 xx 专业知识,你想在 xx 细分方向上为这个课题组做贡献。

在 UCSD 的文书要求上也这样提到:

How are you a "match" for the program to which you are applying? Explain what attracts you most to the institution/program to which you are applying. Align your research interests with those of one or more of the affiliated professors. The better the "match" with the program/professors, the better the chance that you will be admitted.

因此,我建议大家写文书前一定要认真去研究一下对应系里的 faculty。

(3)Summary & Career goals


Cornell: Professional goals – you may wish to outline what you plan to do after you complete the program as a way of underscoring the importance of your choice to pursue graduate study.

UCSD: What are your future goals? Specifically state your degree objective (Master's or Ph.D.) and specify what subdisciplines you are interested in pursuing. For example, if you are applying in political science, the committee needs to know whether you are pursuing American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, or Political Theory. Let the reader know that you are planning a future career as a university professor, researcher, or consultant, or in public service or private practice (or whatever your goal happens to be).

UIUC: Your education and career goals (reason for pursuing a graduate degree in your field of interest) – inform the committee if you want to pursue a Master’s with thesis, a Professional Master’s (non-thesis), or a Ph.D., and why


下文是 MIT 官方给出的文书案例的最后一段。细读不难发现,其实语言并不高级,用词也很普通,但是在结尾段,作者再次强调了自己的学术兴趣和在这个领域研究的热情。

与此同时,作者还写到了 MIT 对应的教授以及他对于这个领域趋势的理解。最后简单明了地说完成学业后想留在学术领域当一名教授。

In a more general sense, I am very excited by applications of machine learning to AI in robotics, such as deep reinforcement learning. I am also very interested in pursuing research in this area. Professor Tedrake’s work in optimization-based control for locomotive robots with constrained dynamics is particularly fascinating to me, as recently deep learning approaches have led to breakthroughs in autonomously learned locomotive capabilities; I would be very interested in contributing. After graduate school, I hope to work in an academic setting toward professorship.

到此,我们整个一篇 SoP 的内容就结束了。即使不同学校会有不同的要求,但相信上面提到的内容已经涵盖了绝大部分你需要包含在 SoP 里的信息。



这块和大家说说写 SoP 的注意事项(也适用于 PS),也算得上是一个 checklist,大家可以自行用来检查。




Achievements do not  need to be directly tied to research projects or publications. However, they should relate to the type of work you expect in graduate school. For example, you can discuss significant, research-oriented class projects. Describe any collaborations with senior students or faculty that demonstrate your passion about relevant research topics. Computer science students can discuss projects from software internships that involved architecture design, algorithm design, security considerations, machine learning, etc. These experiences can inform your academic interests and demonstrate ability as well as more formal research experience.

上文是 MIT 文书指导里的要求。记住,并不是写的经历越多越好,而是要和你的学术兴趣相结合。哪怕可能你做的项目和你感兴趣的领域并不是很相关,你也可以自己建立起联系。



I believe research at the junction of natural language processing and robotics will be critical to bringing robots into our everyday environment. This belief motivated me to work with Professor XXX in natural language processing.







如果你是自己 Diy 文书,在纠正了文书之后一定请熟悉文书申请的人,帮你看一看文书。不同的视角能够给你带来不一样的看法。

